A Day in the Life…Veterans in Treatment

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New recruits in the Armed Forces are introduced to a rigorous basic training schedule. When they graduate, that demanding schedule is replaced by a new one.

Like the military, the Veterans Programs at Samaritan Daytop Village rely on a strict routine for the entire community. Everyone follows the same schedule, with a few exceptions. Clients who have moved into Phases 3-5 of treatment begin to work on pre-set goals such as vocational training, job searching, housing placement, family support, and enhanced programming.

In general, what does a client’s day look like? We asked Program Director Roger Walker to give us a look at the client's schedule while at the 24/7 residential treatment program.



6:30 a.m. – Veterans ("family") wake up

7 a.m. – Breakfast

8 a.m. – Morning Meeting

10 a.m. – Orientation or Programming (based on phase of treatment)

11 a.m. – Clinical Groups and Individual Sessions

12 p.m. – Lunch

1:30 p.m. – Clinical – Group Sessions

4 p.m. – Personal Time (for those who have earned the privilege)

5 p.m. – Dinner

6 p.m. – House Meeting

7 p.m. – AA, NA, or Alumni Meeting

9 p.m. – Free Time and Snacks

10:30 p.m. – Lights Out



To enter treatment or refer a loved one to our Veterans Programs, call 855-322-4357 (HELP) or complete our online admissions form at https://samaritanvillage.org/admissions.