
Samaritan Daytop Village knows that families are not untouched by homelessness or a relative’s struggles with substance use. We work to reunite families, improve family relations and enlist members as allies with the goal of moving forward. Our varying programs range from helping families transition from shelter to permanent housing, to teaching young family members about the dangers of drugs and drug use, to providing reunification services for families affected by a loved one’s substance use.
The Young Mothers Program
The Young Mothers Program is an intensive residential substance use treatment program where women can live with their young children while working on their recovery and enhancing their parenting skills in a supportive, structured environment. The Young Mothers Program is located in upper Manhattan and has been serving the community for nearly 50 years. During the work day, while their children are attended to in on-site child care facilities, the mothers participate in a multi-faceted program designed to combat alcohol and drug addiction, and help them access education, employment, and training services. In-house medical services focus on prenatal, maternal and pediatric health care.
For more information on the Young Mothers Program, review our Frequently Asked Questions, e-mail our Admissions Department, or call Admissions at (718) 657-6195 or (855) 322-4357 (HELP).
To enter treatment or refer a patient or family member, you may click the button below to complete an online Admissions form. An Admissions Specialist will follow up within the next business day for an over-the-phone assessment.
Family Housing
Samaritan Daytop Village operates residences for homeless families at our 93rd Avenue, Belt Park, Boulevard, Bridge II, Bridge Haven, Gloria's House, and Rachel's House facilities in the Bronx, Brooklyn and Queens. These programs provide families with a temporary place to stay while they work to acquire permanent housing and return to the community. Each year, Samaritan Daytop Village helps more than 700 New Yorkers find permanent, affordable places to live. For information on our family residences, please see our FAQs.
Permanent Supportive Housing
The Permanent Supportive Housing Program provides rental assistance and supportive services to families who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless. Samaritan Daytop Village also provides these services to individuals with a range of disabilities (including mental illness, substance use disorders, AIDS or a related disease). A bridge to self-sufficiency, the program requires recipients pay approximately 30% of their monthly adjusted income toward rent while they work toward establishing greater financial stability and self-sufficiency. Samaritan Daytop Village providescase management that can link clients to needed services and other supports in the community. Samaritan Daytop Village operates 52 apartment units located in the Bronx. Funding for this program is provided through grants allocated by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, and the New York State of Alcoholism and Addiction Services.
Westchester Assessment and Referral Program
Samaritan Daytop Village understands that substance use affects the entire family and the recognizable link between drug addiction and child abuse/neglect. Embedded within the Westchester County Department of Social Services (DSS), Samaritan Daytop Village’s Westchester Assessment and Referral Program addresses the toxic link between child abuse/neglect and parental alcohol and drug addiction. Our substance use specialists work collaboratively with DSS case workers to visit at risk families and provide substance use assessment and referral to appropriate treatment when necessary.